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Similar to Mansplaining, Christplaining is when a Christhole will scream fanatically their religious point of view to drown out anything that opposes their Cult. Because their impotent & cowardly god can't speak, they speak for it and make asinine assumptions in what they think god wants.

They often will try to emphasize and enforce it against a non-believer's will by publicly praying loudly (attention whoring) & claiming to "Do the Lord's Work," even if it means breaking State Laws because they believe God's Law is above Man's Law. If they feel they have sinned, they will pray for forgiveness then do it all over again. They create Hell on Earth but as long as they believe they're going to Heaven, fuck everyone else and their feelings.

Walking thru Old Town Spring listening to Michael explain that the Serpent didn't deceive Eve, that he gave her a choice: Freedom & Knowledge, or Ignorance and Sexual Slavery (hence why they were naked)... a Christhole overhead our conversation and went off on us as she began Christplaining to us that they were tricked. We rejected her false beliefs, to which point she started praying loudly.

I even told the Christhole, "If God has a plan prayers are BS." At which point she momentarily paused, a moment of clarity sweeped over her face, immediately she shakes her head, stomps her feet & screams as she tries to shake the logic & reason from her mind. The cops were called to have her removed because she was disturbing the Peace.

I believe she is rotting in jail as the Shackles of Indoctrination are loosening their grip on her.

by fzac89 March 4, 2023