A woman who's vagina is clouded in Chlamydia, Chancroid, Crabs, Herpes, Hepatitis B, Trichomoniasis, HIV and AIDS.
Here are some tips to help identify a Chundertwat:
Before you get your rock on, pucker up, try some sensual kissing up and down their inner thighs - This gives you just enough time to check out her Chundertwat. Not totally necessary, but I'm just saying they probably wouldn't not be into that either. Now get in there. Don't tiptoe around it— go in and find that clitoral infection. In case you're unsure of what that is, it's a shrine of all things sexually transmitted (kinda like a hairy pizza with all the toppings).
James: Mate I have a fucking dick which resembles a shrunk, black, dehydrated piece of corn beef!!
Alex: You should have checked her Chundertwat!!
James: Bit late now! Fuck those Chundertwats!!!