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Gaelic word meaning awesome. Current common use is "really really awesome". Also used on the East Coast of North America to tell someone that they are ridiculously good looking.

"I threw a pencil at the ceiling and it stuck"

"they don't call you Connick for nothing!"

by high-five February 2, 2009

7👍 8👎


(con-ick-ed) v. 1) To be anally penetrated by a prosecutor who regularly cleans his own anus with the U.S. Constitution 2) To be the subject to prosecutorial misconduct to such a degree that it results the filing of a Habeas writ the day of trial 3) To piss on a U.S. Constitution wrapped in the American flag 4) To laugh while burning potentially exculpatory evidence

1) Q: How was court today? A: My butt hurts. Q: Why? A: I got Connicked.

2) Atty.: You're honor, I'd like to move that my client's habeas writ be added to the record. Judge: you haven't even given your opening statement. Atty.: I believe my client is about to be Connicked.

3) Q: Yo, what's this soggy piece of paper, and why is this flag laying here all wet? A: It must have been Connicked by the prosecutor.
4) Q: Wasn't there any evidence showing your client's innocence? A: I thought so, but when I went to the prosecutor's office to pick up my discovery there was smoke pouring out from under the door and someone inside was laughing like a hyena.

by wordsmithhomie October 7, 2016