Source Code

Dr Jones

Doctor Jones, Jones, Calling Doctor Jones Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones, Get up now Wake up now Doctor Jones, Jones,

Calling Doctor Jones Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones,

Dr Jones was the best song by Aqua

by Lyfe0rDeath April 9, 2018

Dr. Christmas Jones

A large-breasted Bond girl from the movie "The World Is Not Enough." One of many Bond girls to have a double-entrendre name.

She is a nuclear physicist, even though she often dresses like a streetwalker.

By the end of the film, she is bedded by Bond.

Played by Denise Richards.

Bond: I always wanted to have Christmas in Turkey.
Dr. Christmas Jones: Is that a Christmas joke?
Bond: Not from where I'm standing.

by GoldSix-shooter May 31, 2008

Dr. Smitty Jones

The famous inventor of the most popular mime academy in the history of all schools. Also known as William Smith (Smitty)

Guy 1: Did you know that The Mime Academy of Smits was made by Dr. Smitty Jones!

Guy 2: Who doesn't!

by Dr. W. Smith December 28, 2011

10👍 1👎

Dr. Jones

The act of snatching a shit from below a crab walker before she/he falls on it.

1. Dude, how did you get gangrene?
2. I was playing Dr. Jones and she slipped and broke my arm. The bone went through the skin and into the shit causing a major infection. They might have to amputate!
1. Bro that will be the most epic sex scar ever!
2. Dude, I know.

by Ptolomy Fife October 7, 2018

Thank you Dr. Jones

Phrase used to sarcastically acknowledge someone's contribution to a conversation or action that ultimately has little to no impact or relevance. Originating from the movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark," it refers to the overall premise of the film, where Indiana Jones's involvement does not significantly alter the outcome of events.

Person A: "I just read an interesting article about the latest advancements in renewable energy technologies."
Person B: "Oh, my cousin once visited a wind farm on vacation."
Person A: "Thank you Dr. Jones. Your fascinating family anecdotes truly elevate our understanding of renewable energy advancements."

by RuiningWords4u June 22, 2023