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(the incorrect spelling of the word ''elephantiasis'')
adj. derived from the infectious disease elephantiasis which results in mass enlargement of bodily parts. in slang terms it refers to the large girth of the penis and/or testicles in normal males.

girl one: steve has a massive case of elephantitus!
girl two: thats crazy, coz he has really small hands

by mx5 May 4, 2006

31👍 19👎


Abnormal size of an object. Frequently referring to the size of testicles or ass.

See also (E.S.S.) Enlarged Scrotum Syndrome.

Taking steroids will keep elephantitus of the testicles in check.

by Vektor December 9, 2003

18👍 18👎


When your balls are too big for your sac and you can't close your legs because they are more than 5 inches long

I have elephantitus and my girlfriend agrees

by iluvtizzles February 17, 2009

7👍 11👎


large and heavy testicles or nuts, when you walk they tend to tug on your scrotum, sometimes u need a pulley system to keep them from ripping off your nutsack.

Song: "..And the bouncers don't check us, and we..Walk around with elephantitus."

by forte~pwnz February 14, 2005

6👍 22👎


Elephantitus is a condition where the infected part of the body grows abnormally in size.

That muslim fuck with the ball sack that looked like a space hopper.

by Robby O'licious Bacon January 14, 2005

67👍 54👎

vaginal elephantitus

Very large vagina that does not have the normal shape of a regular vagina. May have to be identified by a professional. Someone with Vaginal elephantitus is more susceptible to having a very bad odor and or yeast infections due to the inability to clean the area very well being that its hard to determine where the opening may be as there will be many different crevices.

Vaginal Elephantitus is another name for very large and irregular shaped vagina, with no normal structure, and many crevices that may be mistaken for the vaginal opening. (Most likely will not have internal walls in this vagina)

by thatsjustnastyaf August 7, 2015

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