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Federal fudge packing prison This vacation package is for those with enough money to splurge and live the good life. Those who can afford this package have left the common law plantation for good and a camel could be shoved through the eye of a needle easier than the possibility of them ever reaching the kingdom. There are no washing machines large enough to launder that much loot. When you sell out and crash the market you will be stuck with it.

Nothing funny about this package but the name.

Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man
Only I know my father's number I have his man card in my wallet, and his spirit in my heart.

I love all you editors at this makeshift newspeak dictionary for your discretion it is the better part of valor. We will laugh when it is over and this site shall become an American institution.

Blessings, respect, and love to all without prejudice.

Lord Bud: FFPP is waiting for those who refuse to accept the truth. My son is my truth and my crowning glory only I may tell his story. (Testify)

by Spiritual-Master February 1, 2022

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