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a person that uses status updates on facebook to bitch and complain about their problems.

"Did you see Steve's status about his car breaking down?"
"God, I Know. He's facebitching again."

by tshu4 August 7, 2009

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when people get on facebook bithing and moaning about something or someone knowing full well that their post will either start a fight or new round of DRAMA.

Dude did you see Niki's post on facebook tearing in to Rachel?
Yeah, I'm tired of her facebitching.

by jricky1020 May 13, 2011

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A special friend acquired predominetly through Facebook

"Ian, how's your facebitch doing? Have you even had a conversation with her that wasn't through Facebook?"

by IanYouKnowItsTrue January 1, 2008

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complaining about something that happened to you using your status on facebook. Usually something stupid or irrelevant and no body gives a fuck, hence the "bitching" part.

Facebook status: fucckkkk. I hate it when my teacher goes 5 minutes over time! :@

Comment #1: who cares, stop facebitching about shit like this.

Comment #2: quit being a facebitch and suck it up.

by copier19 October 27, 2010

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1. (noun) A name for facebook when people complain excessively in their status updates. 2. (noun) An affectionate term for a facebook friend. 3. (verb) Constantly complaining through one's facebook status. 4. (noun) An individual that complains through their facebook status often.

1. Susie posted on facebitch that her boyfriend dumped her. 2. Oh, yeah, Susie and I are facebitches! 3. I hate it when people facebitch constantly and won't get the **** out of my news feed. 4. Susie is such a facebitch. She updates her status so often it's ridiculous.

by BMH2611 April 28, 2009

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1. (noun) Anyone who acts like a little bitch via the social network known as Facebook. These cretins prefer to talk shit and spend their days fapping to pictures of scantily clad teenagers rather than venturing into the real world where they might suffer a rapid fire pummeling for their constant use of low-brow insults. 2. (noun) A person, likely in or just out of their teenage years, whom spends the majority of their free-time, which they tend to have copious amounts of due to a lack of employment or social life, complaining via Facebook status updates. These individuals have taken digital whining to new heights with an incessant barrage of "poor me," "my life sucks," and "I'm so lonely" style updates as to cause those unfortunate enough to be on their friends list to suffer from cerebral hemorrhaging and/or self-inflicted eye-gouging. 3. (verb) The act of bitching and/or trolling via Facebook. Although Facebook tends to be the more popular medium for such acts of Facebitching, any social network can and will be used for said whining/complaining/shit-talking/trolling, etc.

1. Every time Ian makes a status update he complain about Cindy dumping him. What a Facebitch. 2. Alex doesn't have anything better to do than Facebitch all day long. I wish she/he would get a life.

by nathantruant April 23, 2010

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v. To complain about not having enough time in one's life, then spend copious time on one or more social networking websites. (The complaining may occur on or outside of such sites.)

"Emily constantly whines about being disorganized, but she never seems to do anything about it - instead, she's on facebook all the time!"

"Yeah, I'm sick of her facebitching."

by tmon January 1, 2009

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