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Fresh Fish

A new prisoner in any prison.

Prisoner 1: "That new white boy in the shower."
Prisoner 2: "Leave him alone, man."
Prisoner 1: "Hell naw! Fresh Fish on the line!"

by Jerremy Deane November 24, 2003

137👍 12👎

fresh fish

a derogatory term for students of the freshmen class (highschool or college). a 1st time repeat freshmen is a refried fish, a 2nd is a burned fsh, and a 3rd(one who should be a senior but still retains freshman status) is a fossil.

"why's scott a sophomore? he's 20!"
"oh, scott, he's a fossil. even the fresh fish think he's dumb."

by Reiji May 21, 2007

31👍 32👎

fresh fish

virgin ass or vagina

"everyone here likes fresh fish and cocktail fruit"(as in half baked)

by Evanna Humppalott August 21, 2006

22👍 48👎

Fresh Fish Special

Haircut given to new prisoners.

Plenty fur hits the floor when Rod Blagojevich gets the fresh fish special.

by freewill December 9, 2011

fresh ocean fishes

The best way to impress a date. Often utilized by people on Yahoo Answers.

Oh hai, I got you some fresh ocean fishes! Select the freshest of the ocean fishes and I will prepare it for you in the sexiest way possible.

by Hotdateshasha October 14, 2010

78👍 7👎

Fresh water fish

A fish that does not have the balls to live in the ocean with the cooler fish

Your such a fresh water fish!”

by Eden boyce August 7, 2020

fresh like a fish

To be full of energy

I was feeling fresh like a fish outta bed

by DanielM-C January 5, 2022