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A name used by Flat Earthers to make fun of people who believe the Earth is round.

I can't believe my geography teacher is a globetard.

by Globetard May 7, 2017

186👍 40👎


Egotists who spends all their time arguing with flattards, and think they're going to teach them the truth.

The only thing worse than a flattard is a globetard.

by Dust678 May 1, 2019

39👍 53👎


someone with common sense and does actual science and math h = r - r cos(s/2r) as oppose to 8 inches per mile squared(wich is for parabolas,not spheres),scientists have proven globetards right numerous times and you insist that government bad and science government therefore science bad,go learn something or test the same tests that scientists had to prove the earth is flat,you flattards

person 1:Globetards are dumb
person 2:go back to school

by kinekosogayhegay June 1, 2020

41👍 48👎


A globe believer who argues with flat earthers online. They are not interested in having an intellectual conversation. They can't not answer any questions or provide any proof that Earth is a rotating, salt water covered, pear flying through a vacuum with a pressurized atmosphere sticking to it.

I used to be a globetard before I found out the Earth is actually not a sphere.

My boyfriend loves crushing the globetard's ego with basic science.

I was brainwashed by the education system and a lifetime of media propoganda with fake images of Earth so much that it turned me into a globetard.

by Lil' Wodie April 26, 2021

24👍 33👎


A term used by Flat Earthers to discribe a person with limited intelligence.

Bill trolls globetards on the internet

by Yahshua Dude August 26, 2018

42👍 72👎


Based off the term "libtard"

A globetard is someone who lives in the fantasy that thinks the idea of globalism would work. A globetard spends his or her or whatever it identifies as (because it commonly identified as something that's not real) saying that the idea of a world government would work because everyone would work together to eliminate the evil bankers and elites, and everyone would prosper. Commonly points to the EU as an example, although ignoring the fact that the EU was built up by the elites. Also, they live on the notion that everyone loves everyone and with the press of a button, they will end racism and discrimination. Usually between the ages of 12-21. Usually college student who picked a terrible major, or a middle schooler/high schooler who thinks their idea can change the world. Or a high school teacher who just wants the benefits and a bigger paycheck.

Kid #1: Yo bro, a world government could totally save us! Like all the leaders of the world come together like the EU! We could crush the elites and end inequality! Bro we can do it!

Smart Kid: Why would the leaders of the world who already took huge loans of money from the elite to create wars and chaos across the world, come together for peace and harmony? Maybe we should just shrink the size of the government so it has less power, so the elites can't dominate it anymore.

Kid #1: Bro? Bro? That's racist you bigot! This is the future! Progress bro we're gonna unite and the world will be beautiful!

Smart Kid: You're honestly such a globetard. You live in a fantasy world where you think everything can work out with a huge and powerful government.

Kid #1: *doesn't have the mental capability to respond as they were utterly destroyed by facts

by OMGdude July 2, 2016

27👍 126👎


A pathetic insult used by the scientifically illiterate, religiously indoctrinated, low intelligence, and poorly educated members of the flat earth movement to refer to anyone is aware of the scientific fact that the world we live on is an oblate spheroid (nearly a sphere).

Look at that GLOBETARD, he believes in "gravity" and "science". YouTube tells me he is an idiot. I can't see a curve and the sun looks really close to me when I leave my mom's basement. Pass the crayons, I'm hungry.

by Fluffywastaken June 2, 2021

16👍 20👎