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Acronym for Guys Like Us. GLU is a gay asian, and friends, social group in San Diego, CA. There are some 200+ active members, with a mailing list that exceeds 500. GLU . Active MySpace page.

GLU serves both a social and a charatable purpose for its members. GLU is usually a top 10 team for AIDSWALK San Diego fundraising. GLU collects canned goods and other staples in front of supermarkets once a month, for Mama's Pantry. Creaters of GLU juice, a wicked strong drink served at most functions.

I'm going t the GLU Board meeting

There's a GLU pool party in August, it's a fundraiser for AIDSWalk.

"Hey there's a guy we don't know, let's GLU him" A verb, meaning to introduce him to the group.

by Sylvester Clemente July 21, 2009

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Girl Like us is used in "The Clique" Novel series originaly by kristen,Massie,Alicia,and Dylan. The word was crated by Kristen.

Kristen: Ughh yeah she is def. not a GLU
Kristen:New Phrase
Krsten:Girl Like Us
Dylan: Love it

by JanisA February 2, 2008

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God loves you

Bye John, glu.

by bw.navigators July 20, 2018

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girls (or girl) like us

She can hang with us she's a GLU

by BREEZY-BOO November 18, 2009

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Girls Like Us
i.e Girls who are smart, beautiful, sexy, funny, cute, awesome, independent, thick, thick-slim etc.

"She's just jealous because she has no GLU qualities."
"Chicks who fight of di*ks are not GLU."

by Geekkitty June 7, 2015

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Extremely high to the point your stuck and can't move.

I was smoking at the beach with Juan and we was glued to the bench.

by GlowMaann March 21, 2020

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Glued On

A glued on, much like a strap on, but instead of velcro to adhere the dildo on, it is used with an adhesive glue solution, such as gorilla glue, hot glue, or Elmers glue.

squidward: "hey did you see amy's glued on last night"
Postman: "yeah she fucked me so good"

by postman squidward August 16, 2016

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