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A native of Terre Haute. These people are among the slowest humans on the planet both mentally and physically. They enjoy mullets, walmart, and romantic dinners at the Ponderosa steakhouse. They have trouble properly operating automobiles and like to leave appliances in the street.

Wow, I didn't know Jones is a hautian

by Crazy Hautian May 13, 2004

257👍 80👎


A person from Terre Haute, IN or used to describe something from Terre Haute, IN

Person:Did you know Eugene V Debs was Hautian?

by -Vannah- January 26, 2023

Hautian Hoochie

ho-SHIN HOOCH-ee –noun

A class of female currently residing in Terre Haute, Indiana, usually between the ages of 16 and 24. They can be identified by their enthusiastic use of facial cosmetics, skin which is tanned to an excessive degree, and an IQ approximately equal to that of the Hexaprotodon Liberiensis, otherwise known as the Pygmy Hippopotamus.

(Note: Upon exceeding their expiration date, the female will increase in bodily volume at an exponential rate.)

Mark: "Dude! check out the basket of buns at 2 o'clock"

Winston: "The specimen in question appears to be a Hautian Hoochie. I would advise the classic 'Pump then Jump' maneuver."

by Hero523 August 4, 2007

125👍 10👎

Hautian stank

A foul odor permeating regions populated by hautians. Believed to be the stench of hautian prostitutes' rotting vaginas.

See hautian

Man, the Hautian stank is much stronger than usual tonight.

by nick314 January 4, 2006

18👍 13👎

hautian high jump

When a hautian realizes that his or her life is utterly worthless at which time they climb to the top of the highest structure around and jump off, thus ending their misrable life.

see hautian

Poor Bubba did the hautian high jump.

by Eib October 31, 2003

20👍 17👎