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a nerd whose has hair like napoleon dynamite

that jew is a holeman

by Cody Saunders November 26, 2007

48👍 18👎


Holeman is a very very close friend with Chocolate the pig. But Holeman has a very strong ability that no other pig has in the Angry Birds universe. Holeman is immune to bullets but this come with a downside. Holeman (like his name) has many holes in him from large bullet wounds. This can cause people to be confused when first seeing him. These holes are completely harmless though. And they give no health problems to Holeman. Holeman and his friends often team up to destroy the birds and take the eggs. Holeman's friends include Chocolate the pig, The Blues, Pig C-O, Minipig and sometimes blackbird/bomb but that is very rare.

Person A: I wonder how Holeman helps people.

Person B: Its very simple. Holeman can run in as a body shield to large crowds and save the people.

by Vennones May 14, 2021