Firing a blackpowder, flintlock firearm, sideways.
Only existing footage of such is found in the Smosh "Assassin's Creed 3"song, in which George Washington, played by Ian Hecox, fires a flintlock pistol sideways, an operation considered impossible given the powder in the pan would spill, thus not firing at it's most effiently if held normally. Yet in the video, at a time stamp of 2:46, "George Washington" pops the shot like a thug, holdin' his flinty like a Glock and pops it off like a gangsta, thus creating the theory of, the "Ian-Shot," (as in Ian the man that created it).
Guy 1: Holy f**k bro. They be -ith right infront of us.
Guy 2: I'm going to make history yo.
Guy 1: Wait! Thou weapon dost not fire sideways!
*Guy 2 goes "Ian-Shot"
Guy 2: "Ridin over your clique like the Delaware son!"
Guy 1: oh f**k!