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Judge Me

Stupid Hecktik girls who have engaged in slutty activites, and continually ask normal people to no "Judge them" or "accept them"

She screwed 10 people at her birthday party, she said don't judge me though.

by chachachacha September 17, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

don't judge me

What I usually have to say when I get drunk in the middle of the day and watch Blues Clues.

Roommate: "What the..?"
Me: "Don't judge me!"

by Swallowcarryingacoconut May 1, 2006

145๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

Don't judge me!

1st appeared in the year 2000. Is used to avoid dirty/confused looks after expressing ones opinion.

objectionars rarely intervenes once this quote is uttered, in fear of offending you.

C - argh just end it
A - ??
C - *raises finger in air* don't judge me! ...
K - waa

by foug January 18, 2005

39๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

don't judge me

Possibly the most obnoxious thing you could say when someone is trying to figure out what kind of person you are or sneers at you.
No matter what, people are going to judge you; because you dress in all black and like death or because you watch Star Trek and go to Sakura Con - DEAL WITH IT.

It's the worst when it's on your MySpace profiles.

Actually, no, it's worse when they say "you have no right to judge me." Because everyone has a right to their own thoughts, so stop being self-absorbed and obsessed with pretending not caring about your so-called "haters," people who don't like you, not because they're jealous, but maybe because you may not a likable person, maybe?

Boy's MySpace About Me:
I hate my life and I wear a lot of black makeup BUT DON'T JUDGE ME I'M A HUMAN BEING!

by IAreGirl September 12, 2009

135๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Don't Judge Me Challenge

A new Internet video trends. A dontjudge me challenge video usually starts with a self righteous teen who has drawn on features that dont fit societys beauty standards, such as unibrows, achne, facial hair (on woman), glasses, and imperfect teeth. They then go on to pat some sort of moisturiser on their face, then put their hand in the camera, then taking it off the reveal themselves, with their faces caked with makeup and product in their hair, now fitting societys beauty expectations.

Hey, THOT just posted a the don't judge me challenge!

by lilbitchtit July 10, 2015

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dont judge me challenge

when a person makes a video starting with them making themselves look as ugly as possible and then ends with them covering the camera and then appearing beautiful. usually people who do this are simply idiots or have a really bad attention span

look at this dumb bitch doing the dont judge me challenge

by Moist Pinecone August 30, 2015

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Don't you judge me

Used as an exclamation against those who seek to take the moral highground and pass judgement, when they have no such right to pass judgement

(random person living life of quiet desperation): "that is sick that you fucked your sister"
(God's lonely man): "Don't you judge me!"

by Phil Bailey April 14, 2005

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