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A child had by a celebrity just for the attention. Usually given a bizarre name, because who cares what the child has to go through growing up, they're just a kidcessory.

D'ya hear? Kimye had a kidcessory and named it North West.

by Bobakalacka May 25, 2015

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The result of a baby bump

Angelina Jolie had a baby bump for a few months, but now she has a kidcessory.

by awmm June 8, 2015

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Kidcessory is just a child which actually is an accessory for a celebrity to have. Usually just for attention but the kid makes the celebrities a lot money because people usually are willing to pay a lot of money to see the kids pictures.

Kendal uses Saint West as a Kidcessory , she usually gets a lot of money just by posting on Instagram and now because of the Kidcessory the money doubles.

by Ozilthewarlock February 5, 2016

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