the final form of OgJared.
“my boyfriend was acting like an Ogjared last week, but now he’s full on level 6 Jmo”
The dance process of engaging your lower abs, by pulling up your 'john lewis' region similar to the feeling of stopping urination.
The teenagers ballet standard got much better once they learnt to Lift your elevator to level 6
Something Zac from JerryRigEverything says in nearly every YouTube Video. He is known for literally destroying phones for a living with various durability tests. Refers to the Moh's Scale of Hardness, and how strong certain cell phone glass is.
Most cell phone glass scratches at a level 6 on the Moh's Scale of Hardness with more scratches being visible with a level 7 'pick'.
"Glass is glass, and scratches at a level 6 with deeper grooves at a level 7".
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A good shit where you saw another human.
I had a level 6 shit when I accidentally left the bathroom door open one time.
The finest group of individuals that are entertaining to be around.
Person 1: Hey! I’m a bit bored. Who should I go hang with?
Person 2: Without a doubt, everyone on Level 6! They’re the best!
You haven't herd? About the bird! Im just kidding. Its OH HELL NO!!!!
Level five coming on elevator: Damn!
Level 6: OH HELL NO!!!!
Only level five can go not level 6 levels of fattiness. No can do. No 6 levels of fatnes. That's to fat