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an elegant, intriguing man who is something of a mystery. attractive and magnetic. charming without trying to be.

I saw Lysander in a suit, and it made my night.

by sebsays February 4, 2013

87👍 11👎


kid with a miniature dick that lives in Massachusetts and likes boys

"god that kid in my middle school is such a lysander "

by chwong chao January 25, 2009

27👍 64👎


A shrew little old man who goes around small towns and peddles MDMA (ecstacy) tablets to kids under 17.

"I was walking down the street and saw a Lysander, I went over but he was all out"

by Joey581210 January 21, 2009

10👍 40👎


one of the lovers in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream

Demetrius:"... and Lysander, yield thy crazed title to my certain right!"

by BowTieGirl June 15, 2003

57👍 20👎


a teenager who lives in Shepton Mallet, likes knives, and kicks arse.

Lysander lives in Shepton Mallet.
Which sucks ass.

by lysander March 24, 2003

22👍 48👎


a gay boy who sucks off XioN and w00tage

/lysander sucks XioN and w00tage

by t0mm3h March 24, 2003

9👍 61👎

dirty lysander

A Dirty Lysander is the best kind of Lysander. Lysanders should be kept partially covered by dirt, dust or a similarly unclean substance at all times to best emulate their natural habitats.

Alternatively The Dirty Lysander is when you're told to look something up on urban dictionary as part of a joke but it's obscure and doesn't exist but so you decide to make it yourself.

I can't wait to get this pile of mulch home so my Dirty Lysander can roll around in it and then go on urban dictionary and make up definitions about his name.

by Foodforfaeries November 28, 2020

5👍 2👎