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When you commit a fuck up and everyone knows it

That guy spilt his drink ,again.
Yeah... He commited another moderna.

by G0d 0f Salt October 3, 2022

Moderna flu

The feeling of fever, chills, fatigue and general sloth after receiving the second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

"How you feeling?"

"Pretty awful, I got my second shot last night and now I have the Moderna flu."

by Modeler February 5, 2021

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Moderna Texting

When you're off your face on the Moderna Vaccine and you start texting somebody weird stuff.

Watch Newsboyz and you'll understand what Moderna Texting is. And you'll also understand what Shiny Happy People is really about.

by trainvisit April 10, 2021

moderna titties

When a personโ€™s breasts grow after receiving the moderna covid-19 vaccine

โ€œwow your boobs look really good today, did you get a new bra?โ€

โ€œno, i got the moderna titties ๐Ÿ’โ€

by messystressygay June 17, 2021

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Moderna Miscarriage

When you work an essential job that makes you get the covid vaccine and then your limp dick husband canโ€™t knock you up.

Mary told her friend Laurie โ€œI regret getting the covid vaccine because I know thatโ€™s what caused me to have a Moderna miscarriage, plus I have this chip that the government uses to track me.โ€

by Ihatedk69 August 17, 2024