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Moral Orel

A claymation cartoon that aired on Adult Swim from 2005-2008. It follows the antics of Orel, a young Christian boy who takes life lessons a little too seriously, often resulting in catastrophe. Initially a black comedy, it eventually becomes a lot darker and emotional as the show goes on. Basically, it can be described as what would happen if Leave it to Beaver and South Park had a child, but then they got a divorce and Leave it to Beaver remarried Evangelion.

Moral Orel is such a good show, it's a shame Adult Swim cancelled it halfway through the third season.

by poopie69 November 16, 2020

Moral Orel

A humorous stop-motion show that appeared on adult swim. It centered around Orel, an 11/12 year old church goer who tries to do the right thing by living up to an extreme Protestant ethic. The show itself is a satire of Protestantism, Christianity, morality, and 1950s culture, just to name a few. As the show progressed it began incorporating more dark humor with its episodes. It aired for three seasons before it was denied renewal, most likely due to a combination of the episodes "Nature (part I and II)", "Numb," and "Alone."

Despite how dark Moral Orel ended, it is still a good satire that manages to get good jokes in.

by Matt..... May 26, 2009

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