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it means I have a very interesting STD and I possibly may have chlamydia but I just wank with cream so its all Gucci mush. if you don't like memes you're a disappointment and can suck on my clock. you're thinking why am I sat here writing this but the question is is why are you sat here reading this when you can be going to the gym getting exercise. fireworks erupt inside your insides and the local unfriendly neighbourhood pedophile & child molester come rape you erect in your fanny or dick... see im not being racist there bro... wait I mean sexist... you pop your pussy or dick masturbate in public and wank your little brother till he cums in your mouth xox... wait theres more memes are love memes are life... fuck off go get originality and don't use my word you unwanted disgrace to the grass on this earth you dirty asshole. oh and by the way take off your mask its not Halloween just yet honeyboo (kissy face thingy you hoe) yeh go get originality suck your mums fanny and be more inbread than yeast like the fucking queen you slag love you lots xoxoxoxoxo hope this gets published and if it does send me money @69ZooLanePH69suckyourmumxox yeh imam be a millionaire motherfucker eat my nan out fly to space where youre wanter by slags ill be back mark my word hoe (kissyfaceslagemoji)

OriginalityIsRareXox hoe lots of love slag in a bag

by sugardaddyyyyy October 30, 2017