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Pravda, translated as "Truth" in Russian was the newspaper historically controlled, state-owned and published by the Communist USSR Government as a propaganda machine to spread pro-communist views.

Since the fall of the USSR, the term in now commonly used on media(s) that tend to be too biased towards a political party/agenda, and are at times so skilled in propagation that people are convinced that they are "balanced and fair" editorials/news.

Alternatively, this term may also refer to media(s) state-owned by the government/ruling party in certain countries, allowing little chance for the opposition to express their views as they are usually censored as such.

FOX News Channel is America's PRAVDA.

by mailer_diablo October 22, 2004

90πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

Pravda President

Another fitting nickname for the 45th President of the United States.

45 feels we have proven that we love his lies and so the Pravda President will β€œwin” the 2020 Election by blatantly buying up the American press and purporting to win by the biggest electoral landslide in history.

by Dr Bunnygirl September 7, 2019

11πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Public Pravda

Public media rephrased as Public Pravda, is a national Public Service TV, financed by tax or mandatory charge, which supposedly should be without political influence, but is not.

Did see on Public Pravda news that migration in Europe is a good affair for all countries that allow them in. - Must be good news for Greece, a couple of million migrants with low education will make miracle for their non existent economy ...

by Shoreline1 April 3, 2017

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


As mentioned Pravda was the official newspaper of the former U.S.S.R. that only printed news the government wanted you to hear which had little to do with the everyday realities of waiting in line for 8 hours to get toilet paper.

Currently, in the U.S., abc, cbs, nbc,
and somewhat less egregious, pbs
fill the void as they drag the greatest society in history toward
socialism and, consequently, world
hunger as they perpetuate myths like man-made global warming (widely debunked) on a young populace who never had any formal education on history of any kind and believes what they read on social media and the sewer known as twitter where one person can (and frequently does)seem like 100 when in fact less than 0.1% of the U.S. populace has a twitter account or cares to follow it. In the age of the internet there is no excuse for such laziness. In fact, electric cars are degrading our planet faster than fossil fuels ever could considering you need fossil fuels to charge them and tons of precious rare earth metals to produce them and once the battery dies they're likely headed to Cadillac Ranch for a unceremonious burial.

As once trusted sources of unbiased news, many people do not realize that abc, cbs, and nbc now are simply mouthpieces for the government deep state and the WEF, amounting to the modern equivalent of Pravda. Some who still believe such news is honest probably grew up watching Walter Cronkite, et al and didn't somehow
realize news should have no agenda. Rather than go online or watch Newsmax or Fox to get an opposing view they simply dismissed them. That's how we end up with lifelong politicians and clearly the least competent president in U.S. history who has purposely sabotaged our economy. The worst is yet to come and perhaps the youngens will wake up!

by LongStrong69 October 6, 2022