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A portmanteau of the words pan and banter.

It is used to describe any and all forms of pan based banter and often in reference to having to down a boiling pan or multiple boiling pans of an alcoholic beverage.

The word was initially coined in Shakespeare's Hamlet and has become commonplace in the English language from the late 1600s onward.

Example 1:
Horatio was being a bloody lad and had to down 6 pans of vodka and kas ... panter (Hamelt, Act 2, Scene 5)

Example 2:
Lost your wallet - that's a pan
Overly large forehead - that's 2 pans
HIV positive - that's a pain
Brain damage - that's a pan to catch your dribble
Instrument for writing with ink - that's a pen

The above is panter.

by vodkaandkas July 16, 2011

34👍 10👎


Panter is another word for partner or refering to a member of the opposite sex as a sex panther.

Example 1:

"Yo Joe"
"Sup Aidan"

"This chick last night was a panter!"

"Woah the fuck.."

Example 2:

Girl: "I really love you panter"
Guy: "You're the worlds best panter"

by spunk1606 October 17, 2009

7👍 27👎

Pink Panter

A teal haired senior at CHS with large baggy pink pants. He often speaks of smoking his bong in the center console of his shitty Buick and warding off the cops while high. He frequently wears pajama pants to school and he wears a pink taper instead of an actual guage. He used to color coordinate his taper, hair, and pants; not so stylish ey? In other words, he is a tool and potentially fixable by literal or metaphorical castration.

Pink Panters frequently blow thrity-five year old men that are balding.

by kfeaaa March 15, 2009

6👍 3👎


The way someone with a speech impediment would pronounce the Panzerkampfwagen V "Panther"

Bill: Hey man, what's your favorite tank?
Kurt (with impediment): I like the Panter

by Kampfgruppe April 24, 2017


Going for a ride

Me and my buddies are going pantering

by Secret person 97 July 21, 2023