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Para Para

1. (noun/verb) A Japanese style of dance that follows set choreography and is mainly done with the hands and arms.
(Also, the Japanese onomatopoeia for "dance".)

"Whoa. Rasha has some mad Para Para skills."

by Seishi March 3, 2003

74👍 11👎

Para Para

A style of dance popular in Japan, using mostly arm movements, done to mostly Eurobeat music. Also spawned a PS2 game called Para Para Paradise.

I spent the whole day doing para para with my friends.

by Bakagami October 4, 2003

62👍 12👎

Para Para

When someone has a large intake of alcohol and no longer knows what they are doing. Para Para people generally live around the Cardiff or Taunton area. They cannot drink small amounts of alcohol and enjoy activities such as; falling over, tripping over and shouting. These creatures normally inhabit university halls or clubs such as Oceana. Approach with caution.

Look around a club or university hall of residence and you will notice these Para Para people generally cannot stand without the aid of a chair or bar to prop themselves up on.

by MC Chazzer D January 2, 2010

3👍 18👎

para para paradise

At first glance, PPP is indeed "DDR with hands," until you find out exactly what you are supposed to do in the game.

In Parapara Mode, you are to copy exactly what the person on the screen does. It is exactly the same every time, and has several repeated things to do for each individual song, making it a sort of standard dance routine. This is much easier to memorize, since it's not like you have to remember every single arrow; just the dance itself. Once you memorize the song, which is entirely possible, you can set the arrows and on-screen dancer to invisible, and look completely cool doing the routine, AND getting all the arrows correct in the process.

In freestyle mode, the on-screen dancer is still doing the parapara routine, but is not mirrored to you (the camera spins and goes around her constantly). Instead, you are given completely unrelated arrows, so that you are supposed to make up your own routine. Mostly though, people just set it on hard difficulty, and go into what we like to call "Crazy arm-waving mode." This gives PPP a bad name, and is NOT what the game is about.

Para Para Paradise is a test of personal nimbleness and memory, while showing off the same to onlookers.

by Kenthar March 11, 2004

160👍 45👎

Para Para Paradise

A game developed by Konami of Japan to mimick the Para Para dancing style. The player swipes their hands under a set of 5 sensors at arrows on the screen. Many people refer to it as Dance Dance Revolution with hands. You'll either love the game or hate it. Many "normal" people believe it to be gay.

"Look at that - a Para Para Paradise machine. Wanna go try it out?"
"Nah - it looks gay."
"*shrug* see ya later."

by Seishi August 7, 2003

73👍 44👎