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Comforts head during sleep, also commonly used in oral sex (placed under the females butox)

Often Mistaken for Pillow

Hey sexy lady, ill take you home and show you what i can do with my Pellow ;)

I had a very good sleep with my firm but soft Pellow lastnight

by BUGS6666 January 11, 2011

27πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


to cruise

We gonna go pellow over to the club

by Beth January 24, 2004

28πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


how you say pillow

its a nice thing that pellow you got there

by RashedKhreem June 7, 2021

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


To lay on your girls ass as a pillow or to refer to a butt as a pillow

Her Pellow be mad comfy

by Monkous189 March 30, 2020


.pellow is definitely one of the best mutuals/irl bsf/partner in crime i could ever ask for. they never tell me to shut up (even though i should), never judge me on having small (massive) crushes on 2d men, and has the best sense of humor. they also really like arson so that’s a massive pro proud. they’re my shawty to the end, SO GO BE MUTUALS ON TIkTOK NOW

β€œ.pellow and i had commit arson and murder for our honeymoon”

by saikis.coffeejelly on tiktok May 3, 2021

logan pellow

Is a mother f*cking boss.

logan pellow is a boss.

by lagendas March 14, 2011

Pellow Christian

Also known as "Pellow Christianity" is a religion with spiritual intent, it follows Christianity but with understanding and awakening of knowledge, specifically about jews and judaism itself and how it conflicts with Christianity. It also includes knowing information about which bible passages have been altered over the years to include hatred against other races or sexualities and seeks to deny the altered passages and only follow God Jesus Christ to the fullest and live your life spiritually and healthily. It is strictly against the talmud for having satanic verses such as the talmud speaking of Jesus "burning in hell" which he is not, Jesus is in Heaven. The symbol for Pellow Christianity is a purple and yellow cross, specifically purple on the top and yellow at the bottom.

I like the cross you are wearing John, is that a Pellow Christian one? I follow Pellow Christianity myself too!

by PassionYesser December 4, 2022