A guy that talks bad about himself to get compliments from others (mostly from people he is interested in)
Pick me guy: “i’m so ugly and stupid… why would anyone hang out with me… i don’t deserve you…”
Person: “Don’t say that! you’re handsome and really smart i love hanging out with you!”
me: “Youre right youre ugly and dumb and don’t deserve me”
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How to deal with nice guys
What they want
They try to say really bad things about them selfs to make people feel bad and pity them/ be nice to them
Why do they
They usually do this so they look innocent and make new friends or they use this on people they don’t nessarly like so they can manipulate them and make them look deceiving
What you should do
1. Confront them and tell them that they should stop talking down on them selfs and how it affects them
1. If one doesn’t work ask them why they talk bad abt them selfs and then change it from there
2. If none of those work just agree with what they are saying bc it will probably take them back and make them think why do they guilt trip people and they’ll either stop doing that or ask why you said that and if they ask why you say that you say well I know what your trying to do and sense you talk bad abt yourself to everyone you must be trying to get people to agree with you or something
3. If they get mad at you for confronting them just start hanging around their friends and try to stay on their minds and manifesting works too
He is such a pick me guy!!!
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a guy that mocks other guys for assumingly being virgin in public in order to impress girls and gain their attention
person A: a hot woman walks by on campus wow, you look nice, girl! do you perhaps want to come to my place today and have some cozy time?
person B (rival): ahahaha, virgin on my radar! bro, are you dumb?! you're way too forward, and btw she's way out of your league. how can you possibly be so naive and say something so stupid?
person C (bystander): dude, being virgin is normal. actually, you're being the pick me guy here and embarassing yourself. it ain't cool, bro. we all have our insecurities. you can impress without knocking other people down.
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laleh: rate me on the scale of one to ten
what a pick me guy
1👍 1👎
A man who will diminish his self worth and create fake scenarios to pull at the heart strings of a woman.
He told me his best friend died with like no picture, just a blank snapchat. Definitely a pick me guy.