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pink dragon

The inside of a penis on the outside.

What the fuck is wrong with your dick?

Oh, I was born with a pink dragon


Hah! His dook looked like a pink dragon!

by Cabbage b0i April 10, 2018

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Pink Dragon

Slang word for 'penis'

Hey bro, did you get laid last night?

Yea, Stacey was all over my pink dragon!

by FunDotCom March 5, 2010

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pink Dragon

When you have sex with your girlfriend and she is on her period and you cum inside her and on your dick you will see pink cum because red+white is pink

John: I was In art class, and we were learning colors and I thought why not fuck a girl on her period but then again I was thinking about red and white to make pink and I thought HEYY PINK DRAGON

Maria: You nasty son of a bitch...

by Nobody but the Tay July 5, 2015

9πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Afghan Pink Dragon

When your girl is on her period, pull out when you’re about to cum and nut in her ass, then mix it with pepto bismol and let β€˜er rip

Guy: Hey wanna do this Afghan Pink Dragon Thing?
Girl: I’m pregnant

by iSpitOnLlamas January 17, 2021

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Slay the pink dragon

Having sex with a woman who hasn't had sex for a long time, usually by a male but not exclusively. Not related to losing one's virginity; related to satisfying a large appetite that has built up for sex in a previously sexually active woman. Not female masturbation.

Steve is such a player, he tried to get with me cause he knows I havent had it for a year. But I don't need him to slay the pink dragon...I'd have asked him before if that's what I wanted!

by White Bone January 8, 2011

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Riding the Pink Dragon

To take Pepto Bismol.
When you eat taco bell and take Pepto Bismol to avoid the inevitable diarrhea, only to be cursed with unbelievable constipation.

"I ate a large Pizza Hut pizza before bed and now I'm riding the pink dragon"

by ridnthepinkdragon August 25, 2015

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