It's when you know you're gonna be depressed and are prepared for it.
I'm prepressed.
Digital artistic work, related to computer graphics. People who depends on the prepress business use to work more than 12 hours a day, and have to concentrate while hanging on the telephone, searching for misspeling text and fixing usual PDF file format documents errors done by amateurs.
It´s almost like a magazine writer, editor or jornalist, but you don´t get fun and don´t meet nice people while working. Could be compared to a trainee as well, but in the prepress market, you know that you won´t have a better payment nor a better life hope.
Maybe it´s a little better than slavery. Maybe.
Old friend 1.- Hey, man! So long we don´t speak! Are you already free from that nasty job you used to have at that prepress grphic company?
Old friend 2.- Err... well... no. Same o´, same o´...
old friend 1.- Well... at least you´ve got a job... but hey, look! It´s a flying sauce!