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Someone with the name Rossiter is usually very funny and just the best person in general. However a big stoner. Usually good at most things but is too lazy to realise. A very sexy, good looking person that's definitely packing

Boy: have you met the new kid rossiter
Girl: yeah they are cool, i think i like them

by Sexyrae_ June 18, 2020


The gayest person ever to walk the earth. If your friend has rossiter in his name, you should probably move to a different planet.

I'm glad that my friend doesn't have rossiter in his name.

by MaximusDefiner April 3, 2017

13👍 21👎

doing a Rossiter

A problematic cowardly yet somewhat boring act. Usually executed in or around the Wimborne area.

Often involves complete utter cod Shit and inappropriate discussions on conspiracy theory, BMW statistics and certain kung foo moves.

That looser was at the Coach and Horses last night. Doing a Rossiter again attacking thin air with kung foo moves whilst talking utter cod shit about his 1997 beamer.
"punch me in the stomach" he said with a smug I can take it coz I'm hard look written all over his chevy chase.

by big gizzle September 26, 2013

35👍 2👎

joe rossiter

A red head who steals our souls at night!!! SAVE US!!!

Nah he is nice :)

Joe Rossiter the man.

by Dickfur22 December 20, 2013


When your that fucking lucky that you get a legendary tame or mount in every game that he plays.

Oh fuck, Rossiters got himself another whelp! Odd's are 1 in 5000 and the cunts got 5 of them.

by NotWillo106 June 17, 2024