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The upcoming Mp3 Player made by Sandisk, which totally owns the Ipod Nano for four main reasons:

1) It looks a lot cooler.
2) It costs less than a Nano.
3) It plays videos.
4) It's actually reliable.

Go Google it, you'll want one.

Bob: Hey, I just got an Ipod Nano! I spent a bajillion dollars on it, and it's a piece of shit! Isn't that great?

Joe: Yeah, and I just bought a Sandisk Sansa. And I'm happy.

by Thaooo December 31, 2007

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An MP3 player made by Sandisk that does all of the same things an iPod does, but costs much less.

Stop wasting your money on a confusing piece of shit iPod and invest in a sansa or a zune.

by katie was here August 10, 2008

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A digital audio/video player made by SanDisk, which also includes an FM radio, voice recorder, and image viewer. A Sansa is cheaper than an iPod, but is way better for the money.

By installing RockBox on your Sansa, you can add games, applications, and more. Also, with RockBox, a Sansa can actually play videos longer than 10 minutes in length and can play MPEG files with much better compression than the default firmware's MJPEG-in-MOV files.

My $80 Sansa can do more than your $250 iPod Nano.

by computer_guy August 4, 2008

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THE rightful queen in the north
sansa of house stark
the red wolf
the amazing girl
i love her sm
the loml

one of my favourite moments in GOT? sansa tricking joffrey into going to the vanguard during the battle of blackwater bay

Sansa: They say my brother Robb always goes where the fighting is thickest.

Joffrey: And he's only a pretender. angry little shit

and ship theonsa because theonsa supremacy
urban dictionary is trying to stop me from ranting about how much i love sansa because she was a prissy little shit and now she's THE girlboss

Sansa: I am a slow learner, it's true. But I learn.

Sansa: Thank you for all your many lessons, Lord Baelish. I will never forget them.

Sansa: Sometimes when I try to understand a person's motives, I play a little game.

Sansa: They were. Now they're starving.

Sansa: I am Sansa Stark of Winterfell; this is my home, and you can't frighten me.
Book!Sansa: My skin has turned from porcelain, to ivory, to steel.

Sansa: You're going to die tomorrow, Lord Bolton. Sleep well.

Sansa: Joffrey will come back. The worst ones always do.

SANSA: Your words will disappear. Your House will disappear. Your name will disappear. All memory of you will disappear.

by The Name/Slang Explainer February 17, 2022


not that smart

dude how is sansa the smartest person aryaโ€™s ever met?
dude idk

by gotfamnnn April 20, 2019

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the biggest joke in the universe

"why does that yellow bombplar keep running into us and dying at bleaks? doesnt she know this is a blue vs red area?"
"i know, what an idiot. just a regular old sansa."

by Imag6yoyoyo May 3, 2018

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The iPod's ugly cousin. It does more stuff than an iPod does for a benjamin less.

Advantages of Sansa Clip+:
Buttons, Voice Recording, Expandable Memory, You don't have to use shitty iTunes software, IT'S FUCKING 50 DOLLARS

Advantages of iPod Nano:
It looks cool

Dumb kid: Look at my sexy-ass iPod! It's so fresh and fly.

Smart kid: I have a Sansa.

Dumb kid: HAHA LOLZERS YOU HAVE AN UGLY-ASS MP3 PLAYER! Are you, like, poor?

Smart kid: Shut up, you just bought that iPod to look cool. You can't even afford an iPod. Your family lives in a 600 square-foot apartment in the ghetto. Your mom's probably a hooker, but she only charges a dollar cause she's so ugly. You're dad's high on meth 24/7. You just need that $150 iPod to get some self-esteem to cover up the fact that you have a 3 inch dick. You're flunking all your classes and you're gonna grow up to flip burgers at McDonald's.

by gomets729 December 14, 2010

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