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Noun. Angry passive-aggressive snowflakes who use harsh words to depreciate the character or values of other people. Their goal is to communicate hate at the dehumanized target and to encourage others to devalue their victim. Scornflakes are not the same as bullies, who can be physical. They are more like some kinds of extremely emotional internet trolls, like what you find in call out culture and Twitter.

Scornflake: Don't like abortion? You must love kids. Pedophile.
Victim: Wow. Without non-sequiturs, you scornflakes would have nothing to say.

Scornflake: Does your baby believe in man-made global warming? No? He's a denier/birther/homophobe.
Victim's parent: That's a lot of hate, scornflake. Do you feel better now that you got that load of crap off of your chest?

by UGiveUp2 July 24, 2018