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a magic stick that shows a direction to a destination

The Signpost shows the direction to Italy that is 100km away and in the other direction is Germany that is 80km away

by NootNoot234 March 2, 2023


The tedious, tiresome process of organisations (often charities) paid and set up to help those in need - to instead send those same people on elsewhere - so they can tick their tickboxs - meet their "service targets" and feel generally good about not actually helping the individual but moving them onto someone else - only for that person to signpost them on to someone else (usually in the form of a bunch of weblinks that any fool with google can find but doesnt need)

See also SEP - "Somebody else's Problem" and NIMBY "not in my back yard"

Im sorry to hear you've lost your mother, and uncle due to COVID and that you are now homeless, jobless and without any form of support. Let me try "signposting" you to a bunch of weblinks of organisations that have already sent you to me, so I can go home thinking my job actually has any purpose.

by OriginalBrettmeister July 14, 2021


A particular practise of territorial pissings, where a female leaves her mark of lipstick smothered over a males lips, upper lip, chin and/or cheek

She signposted the fuck out of carl

Oooo stacy’s on a signposting rampage

by Sqilliamfancypants January 27, 2019


A word to describe being so drunk your friends contemplate leaving you at home when they go out.

Fuck Becky is absolutely signposted tonight, there’s no way she’s making it out.

by lizzyjazzy January 26, 2022