Source Code

single action

"Single action" means that the act of pulling the trigger only performs one function: releasing the hammer or striker, which strikes the firing pin or lever against the shell casing.

You'd have to cock the hammer of a revolver, or pull and cock the slide of a semiauto pistol for the trigger to function as single action.

Guns which cock and fire with one pull of the trigger are called double action.

"Who keep the fully-auto verses single action ideal?
Yeah, Hiero - oh they straight, culture merchants we kill"
- Opio, Heiroglyphics, "Mind, Body and Soul"

by ShazamVT April 4, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Colt Single Action Army

1. A powerful single action revolver holding six rounds of .45 Colt ammunition.

2. Cannot play Russian Roulette without it.

3. The weapon of the legendary Revolver Ocelot.

Introduced in 1873, no Colt revolver has earned greater fame than the Single Action Army, The Peacemaker.

In design and performance, in line and form, no more sculptural and practical Colt has ever been created.
"This is the greatest handgun ever made. The Colt Single Action Army. Six bullets... More than enough to kill anything that moves. Now I'll show you why they call me... 'Revolver'."

โ€” Revolver Ocelot to Solid Snake in 2005.

by zingeraddict September 27, 2011

74๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Colt Single Action Army

1.a powerful single action revolver holding six rounds of .45 Colt ammunition.

2.Cannot play Russian Roulette without it.

2.The weapon of the legendary Revolver Ocelot.

Introduced in 1873, no Colt revolver has earned greater fame than the Single Action Army, The Peacemaker.
In design and performance, in line and form, no more sculptural and practical Colt has ever been created.

"This is the greatest handgun ever made. The Colt Single Action Army. Six bullets... More than enough to kill anything that moves. Now I'll show you why they call me... 'Revolver'."
โ€” Revolver Ocelot to Solid Snake in 2005.

by zingeraddict May 28, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

single barrel pump action yogurt rifle

euphamism for the male sex organ.
Thanks to Chris Finch from the TV series the office.

''The next minute they were sucking on my single barrel pump action yogurt rifle''

by The Brigstain February 26, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

single barrel pump action yoghurt rifle

another name for your dick,penis,cock,willy, 5th limb, 3rd leg... u get the idea

dont even go there or ill have to whip out my single barrel pump action yoghurt rifle

by mad February 28, 2005

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single barreled pump action protein rifle

The male reproductive organ which is often refered to as the penis, wang, cock, dick, knob

dont make me cap you with my single barreled pump action protein rifle

by Andy July 25, 2004

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Single Shot Pump Action Yoghurt Rifle

A penis.

I gagged her, took ten paces back, and got her square in the eye with the single shot pump action yoghurt rifle.

by Wazza2404 September 16, 2008

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