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A weird but increasingly common process by which people lose a significant percentage of their IQs, as though they are on the Jerry Springer Show.

Iโ€™ve been watching for these last four years as the entire White House has steadily become Springerized.

by Dr Bunnygirl May 26, 2020


A German, Anglo-Saxon and Jewish surname, meaning "knight" in German or "lively person" in Anglo-Saxon. (Szprynger in Polish and ล pringer in Slavic languages).

Amazingly to some people, there are other Springers in the world than Jerry (Unfortunatly there aren't that many interesting ones, so I added a few of my own):

Aaron Springer - Animator and occasional director of animated programming.

Chairman Springer - First leader of the Peoples Republic of Springer.

Julius Springer - German Founder of what became Springer Publishing.

Mark Springer - British composer and actor.

Mike Springer - American professional golfer.

Primordial Springer - Ancestor found amongst the primordial soup, having developed into a human before the rest of the soup reached land.

Robert Springer - Astronaut who went to Mars. Okay fine just normal space.

Springy Springer - The ideal Springer, not yet discovered.

T.A. Springer - Dutch mathematician responsible for something really interesting called Springer correspondence.

Yakov Springer - Polish-Israeli weightlifter killed at Munich '72 :(

As you can see, Springer does not mean some slag who wants to be on TV because she shagged eight men in a week. It's also a dog, killer whale and some places in America.

Person - "Wow, I never knew that there were actually people in the world called Springer who aren't Jerry!"

Me - "I know, our superior intelligence and ancestry will surely mean we soon take over the world from our fellow humans."

Person - "What?"

Me - "Nothing."

by GenuineSpringer November 21, 2008

138๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


A guy who makes you feel like you ate a pot brownie and woke up in a greeting card!

It's a completely different world when you're around Springer!

by UncleFester64 December 18, 2020


a type of assisted opening knife that uses a torsion bar instead of a spring. to open you usually have to pull on a small lever on the back of the blade and the blade "springs" out

i thought i was doing good until be pulled a springer out

by gfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfg January 25, 2018


Pulls Delaney

Very hot
Very tall

Beast at basketball

Has a package

I just played like a springer

by Hugh G. Rection 12 February 19, 2022


A crude smoking device constructed out of a length of tubing and a glass bottle from a Spring Valley Juice.

1. Yo, pack us up a springer.

2. Kalvin arched his neck back as he took the full brunt of the springer.

by nanoloop August 18, 2009

28๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž


v. to be so trashy and raucous, that the incident would appear on the Jerry Springer TV Show

My sister is a drug addict who can't keep her kids. She's so Springer!

by anonymous March 14, 2005

32๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž