When you need to stop at a service station or supermarket whilst on the motorway due to an unfortunate case of the shits. It seemed like a good when you decided to have Indian food for dinner last night, but now you have to deal with the squity consequences. When needing a Squit Stop you will unfortunately have to stop at every opportunity to cleanse your bowels. If you do end up with the Squits and are heading on a long journey then it is recommended that you bring multiple pairs of underwear due to the shittyness of the situation.
Chuck: Man, thats the third gas station we've stopped at, are you okay?
Hank: Not good man, I'm sorry but I keep needing to take squit stops. I will always love Del Taco but Del Taco will never love me.
Chuck: Have you get extra pants?
Hank: No, I am gonna have to resort to a Shart Tampon
Chuck: That's grim