Source Code


Can never follow through

Boy;What did u get me for Christmas ?
Guy: oh let me go look in the dumpster for you there buddy .
Boy: you are such a tamblyn

by The boy or the victim December 18, 2016


When someone makes it their mission to disguard a perfectly acceptable amount of alcohol in a random space/place.
It is when someone opens another beer when there is a small amount of beer left in their bottle/can and claim that it is either empty or the dregs/backwash

Verb - "Don't be a Tamblyn, go finish your beer before you start a new one"

Verb - "There's loads of Tamblyn left in that."

Noun - "There is a little Tamblyn left in that beer"

by 574904 September 17, 2018


Insanely large testicals, almost to a freakish make me wanna cry extent.

Guy 1:I knew this guy whose nuts were so big he had to get them shaved to join the navy

Guy 2: dude that guy had some major tamblyns

by Someguy May 3, 2004

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Amber Tamblyn

That dead girl in the closet from "The Ring."

What if God were one of us?

He probably wouldn't be dead in a closet.

by RX July 22, 2004

41πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

amber tamblyn

An actress on the movie The Ring, Joan on the TV show Joan of Arcadia, and many others.

Amber Tamblyn is a great actress!

by Rachel May 23, 2004

15πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


He’s a contractor, not a plumber

He’s a tamblyn, but he helped fix the sink anyway

by Parsleyluver420 October 29, 2021