A movie produced by Pixar that came out in American theaters November 5th, 2004. It was directed by Brad Bird and voiced by Craig T. Nelson and Holly Hunter. The main characters are Bob Parr and Helen Parr (also known as Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl) and their children Violet Parr, Dash Parr, and Jack Jack. They are all superheroes.
The Incredibles recieved rave reviews due to it's beautiful animation and action sequences, wonderful plot, better characterization than many adult films, humor, and general awesomeness. Some people say that it's not as good as Pixar's previous movie, Finding Nemo, but I think it is the best animated movie I have ever seen.
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You`re the definition of it.
You guys are incredible.
140๐ 23๐
something or someone that leaves you speechless and takes your breath away
My boyfriend Dalton is absolutely incredible isn't he?
94๐ 34๐
something that astonishes the mind and tickles the brain's taste buds
"Barrett, DUDE, that is incredible!"
12๐ 3๐
mindboggling, so good it's hard to believe, wow, awesome
John is so incredible.
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she is very good and very special and specific about some type of things
She is lojayna ( incredible)
at kindness and carness
11๐ 4๐
a.k.a. "Jon the Incredible," "Captain Jon the Incredible," "Increible," or "Incredible J," this refers to...well, Jon the Incredible. Originating from EBHS, the term is just another title for the World's Sexiest Pirate.
"Incredible doesn't need friends. He needs a mirror."
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