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A dedicated and hardcore Kate Walsh fan. Walshies know basically everything about Kathleen Erin Walsh. Most famously known for her portrayal of Dr. Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery on the ABC hit show Private Practice.

Also known as a Walshaholics

I know this girl and she converted me into a total Walshie

by k8fan May 19, 2010

49๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Classic AC youtuber from Birmingham who hangs out with Buff Scots on Podcasts and people Northampton on Discord.

Joe: hey did you see LA Noire is drilling with style with style by Walshie
Ben: Yeah, its like the best video on YouTube

by Lou the boss January 23, 2021


The act of inserting ones penis into someone's ear. ie. an ear fuck.

Fred: Did you see how that guy died? Word is someone gave him a walshy and it went straight through.

George: Sounds painful.

by Dan February 27, 2004

162๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž


An awesome person who worships the ground Kate Walsh walks on. They are generally awesome, crazy, super nice fans who flail over anything and love to quote Kate Walsh in their everyday speak. They love to talk, ramble, spam, and are not at all stalkerish.

Walshie: Hello I love to party...this is how I roll. Bokay, so I'm not gonna lie to you but WALSH HAS A NEW PLAY IN NEW YORK!! Woohoo!

Non-Walshie: Oh, cool.

Walshie: And OH MY GAGA. Walsh twittuh'd me! It was the best thing evuh!

Non-Walshie: Ok.

Walshie: Oh guess what? Yesterday, I had a little game night at my house for a bunch of people... they love to play games... crazy games -

Non-Walshie: Can we just talk? Like regular people?

Walshie: ...OMG. You just quoted Walsh!

Non-Walshie: I did?

Walshie: Someone's gonna get outed -

*Non-Walshie walks away*

Walshie: ...I just wanted to show them I wasn't a crazy weirdo.

by donutsxnoodles May 25, 2010

46๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


Usually a complete cunt. Under 5ft and can't play sports for shite

Lets call for Walshy

Nah mate he's a little prick

by yeaboiiifamalam February 26, 2017

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be so drunk that you stop talking midsentence, projectile vomit, immediately forget that you have just projectile vomited, and continue from where you left off.

He pulled a walshy last night

No walshying inside!

by notwalshy April 18, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


the gremlin that doesn't shut up and he probably can suck your dick standing up

walshy is annoying

by bob millerrr November 28, 2020

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž