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When more than one marijuana smoking device (pipe, blunt, joint, bong, etc.) is being smoked and in rotation, all at one time.

Ex. 1: "Damn, we got a blunt, pipe, and a bong goin' around. It's a Whovilation out here, bruh!"

Ex. 2: "Joe got hit with both pipes during the Whovilation."

by Xanderland May 19, 2013

9👍 4👎


A town full of midgets who dress in pajamas with straps around the crotch and sing christmas carols when they have no presents.

The town of whoville was filled with delight.
As the grinch ran off with their presents that night.
When he gave back their presents they called him a wussy,
The grinch came on Halloween, and fuck her right in the pussy.

by bmcr200 June 30, 2014

20👍 15👎

whoville ski slopes

A set of jugs so saggy, they can't even be classified as nanners or swingin sweater puppets.

That bitch has some whoville ski slopes!

by Jimmy Jonesssss January 16, 2011

Whoville surprise kiss

Just like the “grinch kiss” but add corn to your diet for a delightful surprise!

Warning: flushing after act is not recommended

Cassie gave me the best Whoville surprise kiss on Christmas”, said James.

by Jane092413 December 15, 2021

4👍 1👎