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the absolute coolest place ever to have lived. If you lived there, then you are a Wiesbadener and you are therefore awesome. Wiesbaden is better than Heidelburg. Wiesbaden is known for its awesome downtown and all the fun had with drinking! It is NOT "Weisbaden" if you can't spell it correctly, get the hell outa here. Wiesbaden is the best place to have ever lived and i really love it and miss it and all the people there. Can also be used as an adjective.

Jaime: "Omg I want to go back to Wiesbaden this weekend to hang out with all the cool Wiesbadeners!"

Nicole: "Wow, that party was so Wiesbaden!"

by blah1blah23blah456 April 13, 2011

29👍 10👎

Oldenburger vs. Wiesbadener

The Oldenburg and Wiesbaden rivalry has a long tradition between the two cities and stems from the fact that Wiesbadeners are generally much richer and generally more important than Oldenburgers.
Oldenburgers see it the same way and feel tormented

Oldenburger vs. Wiesbadener: The biggest house in Oldenburg is the smallest doghouse in Wiesbaden.

Oldenburger vs. Wiesbadener: Irgendwo ist die kleinste Yacht eines Wiesbadeners, die größte 400 Meter Yacht eines Oldenburgers.

Oldenburger vs. Wiesbadener: Der Oldenburger wird gepeinigt und bespuckt von den Wiesbadenern, denn der Wiesbadener ist immer reich.

by Axelander Donnerstag November 26, 2024