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Acronym for Fat Upper Pussy, the roll of fat located just above a chunky woman's crotch. See also Vagbag

I woulda banged her accept for that nasty FUP.

by Crum March 28, 2003

430πŸ‘ 263πŸ‘Ž


Acronym for Fat Upper Pussy, the roll of fat located just above a chunky woman's crotch. See also FUP.

My hand would have made it all the way to the honey pot, but it was blocked by the Vagbag

by Crum March 28, 2003

16πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Moronic idiots whose lips aren't strong enough to play an awesome brass instrument.

Yeah man, I used to think he was cool. But then I heard he plays a woodwind instrument.

by Crum May 23, 2004

40πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž


1) The one Pokémon whom enjoys killing.
2) Coolest, Pokémon, EVER!

I just caught Mewtwo!
Mewtwo has a clone army!

by Crum May 23, 2004

143πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž