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A city in southeastern Wisconsin, a super suburb of Milwaukee. Known for high cost of living and little else: there's not much to do, but parents like it because it has a pretty decent school district. Other Wisconsin kids think that Brookfield kids have a general 'elitist' attitude, when it's only a handful. Kids from Brookfield Central are snobby and rich, while kids from Brookfield East are more diverse: potheads, snobs, and general freaks.

"You're from Brookfield? Why are you nice?"

by Lacymen April 24, 2005

303๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž


A part of east Oakland, CA that is somewhat maze like. Has a very high crime rate and you will get jacked if your ass gets lost in there at night.

My baby daddy is from Brookfield and will shank you

by EllyBooBoo June 23, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A town in Connecticut where the neighboring towns are Danbury "little mexico" and New Milford "hick town U.S.A"
The people there are rich,white,and entitled. The teenagers of brookfield, as they refer to it as "the shit hole", like to get drunk and to drug preferably weed since there is nothing else to do besides the occasional coning.

I need some weed where should I go...I will go to Brookfield

by lilliania April 12, 2009

54๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


Brookfield is a wealthy suburban town in Fairfield County, Connecticut, with a population of around 17,000. Because Brookfield High School is so competitive, kids are expected to score extremely high on standardized tests, participate in a variety of extracurricular activities, and take several AP courses each year. For this reason, students at Brookfield High School are accepted to many top universities, including several Ivy-Leagues by graduation. Many kids in this town are very spoiled and drive brand new BMWs or Teslas paid for by their parents, and get drunk and high with their friends on the weekend. Brookfield is a sea of white people in Vineyard Vines pastels, with very little diversity. Almost everyone is so conceited, especially the stay at home moms who live in large mansions and drive their kids to school every morning in their luxury SUVs. But Brookfield isn't your typical mundane, affluent suburb; there's still plenty to do on Federal Road or at Four Corners, and Candlewood Lake and Lake Lillinonah are beautiful. Just bear in mind that a house on one of the lakes will start at about $2 million.

Brookfield is a beautiful town in a great location, but its residents can be annoying. At least New York City is nearby!

by live2fly March 8, 2018

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Noun. A town in Fairfield County in which many run-of-the mill, boring, and uninteresting people live. Where the most talked-about event is the opening of Quiznos Sub. A place where getting drunk every night of the week is an acceptable practice, as well as blowing lines of cocain during school hours. These practices are mainly due to the extremely low amount of places to hang out/do something slightly enjoyable.

2. Noun. Also a place where many of the not-so extremely rich people of Fairfield County live, however, they believe they are hot shit (but they're really just cold diarrhia).

3. Noun. A place where the kids hang out at local gas stations.

3. Adjective. Boring; uninteresting. Not having anything to do. Mobil-goer.

She's from Brookfield, I bet she's got a few hook-ups. Lets give her a call.

by Amanda May 5, 2005

52๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


the most friggin boring town in connecticut. way 2 many families with a stick up their ass.u feel like ur in leave it to bever world.

hey? wanna go out 2nite? well wat do u want to do? we can go to the mall, movies or friggin bowling? nahh we did all those last week. Lets get drunk instead!! ok!!
---damn brookfield is sooo gay---

by me November 15, 2003

25๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


City in southeastern Wisconsin where the population would be more than 100% Causcasian, if that were possible. The "Rich Kids" here despise Stallis boys, because the only thing bigger in Brookfield is the backyards. Even the fireworks there are small and lame. Common music to be heard wafting in the air; Phish, Dave Matthews Band, The Grateful Dead, etc...other stupid hippie shit.

"Oh, you're rich, white AND a dirty, cocksucking hippie? Must be one of the Brookfield assholes."

by Frankie and Cha-Chi February 2, 2005

42๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž