A Catloaf is when a cat sits in the shape of a loaf of bread. More specifically, laying with all four paws tucked under the body. The cat can either be sitting alone, or in a rectangular shaped box, like a shoebox. The cat may also have one paw sticking out, known commonly as the pop-thermometer, or also known as Catloaf on a stick. The Catloaf is not to be mistaken for a monorail, which is similar, except that the cat's head would be laying down, chin on floor.
*My cat is sitting with all four paws under his body, he is Catloafing.
*My cat is sitting Catloaf style, with all four paws under his body.
351👍 35👎
Public domain of the internet, catloaf is a mere loaf of bread formed into the shape of a cat. He is protected by his friend, whose name is currently unknown to me, but is a box and protects catloaf with a bar of bread.
Catloaf is a sexy piece of bread.
19👍 58👎
A Catloaf is when a cat sits in the shape of a loaf of bread. The cat can either be sitting alone, or in a rectangular shaped box, like a shoebox. The cat may also have one paw sticking out, known commonly as the pop-thermometer, or also known as Catloaf on a stick.
http: //static.flickr.com /71/214659639_aba8ddc27b_m.jpg
http:// farm1.static.flickr.com /54/161302446_92794b28c3.jpg
http:// www.amnin.com /jojo/pictures/pic07.jpg
http:// farm2.static.flickr.com /1149/1342049356_b69726bfd0.jpg
(copy and paste address into address bar, delete spaces before hitting go)
*My Cat is laying with all his paws under his body, he is Catloafing.
*My cat is laying in the shape of a catloaf, he has all four paws under his body.
52👍 8👎
Catloaf is a legendary symbolic icon. It is not to be confused with a loaf of cat, which is a more barbaric approach to duplicating a catloaf. Catloaf symbolises everything 1337, and pretty much represents all pseudo-intellectuals, it also gives some not-so-smart person the credibillity of sounding smart by including it in a post.
<1337Sexphwoar> Omg1337 catloaf!!111!!
<Demarest> very intelligent reply my good chap!
56👍 67👎
A Catloaf is a meatloaf made from cat meat. It is a Timorese dish and is considered a delicacy among some food connosieurs. The Catloaf was reportedly invented by Joseph Moillet in 1891. Of course this report was made by a drunk named Jim Beehan, so it was from quite an unscrupulous source. In conclusion, on May 20th, 1993 I had a shower.
Would you like some Catloaf on this beautiful May afternoon?
No, I have to take a shower.
20👍 103👎
A catloaf is a food item made in China and some areas of the middle east. Much like the western dish meatloaf a catloaf is made up of ground cat with onions and rice all baked into a loaf and sometimes glazed with a puppy based sauce.
Man this meatloaf is really good and cheap. Wait thats cheap because its not meatloaf man, it's catloaf. Yes it's made of cats
6👍 32👎
The band meatloaf, but instead of being produced with the traditional ground beef, the traditional ingredient is replaced with minced cats.
Oh, look at the stray-cats singing a meatloaf song! They are certainly catloafing.