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A medium sized town just outside of Montreal where white kids think they're black and black kids think they live in the ghetto, It has only 1 english highschool and 3 french highschools, pregnant 12 year olds, drunk 11 year olds, emo kids hanging out at the mall, White trash frenchmen standing in line at the welfair office. It's a town with nothing to do but drink. It's the home of two hasbeen NHL players Bobby Dollas and Glen Curry. It borders a reservation but the natives aren't bad at all. The english high school has a pretty bad rep for some reason even though it's not as bad as people think. Everyone knows everones business .

Guy one : you doing anything tonight?
Guy Two : What else is there to doin chateauguay?
Guy one : Drink!!!!
Guy two : Yup

by nomeansno September 27, 2006

144👍 45👎


A community located off of Montreal's South Shore whose populace consists of an alarmingly large number of glass eating, lead paint lickers. For this percentage of its denizens, thinking hurts; their vocabularies rarely extend beyond the monosyllabic (exception: sports related terms)and they contentedly,collectively suck at the alcohol/pot laced teat of ignorance - with pride.

Glass-eating resident: Ay,(sniff), fuck, hockey, fuck, heh,fuck,wasted, fuck, beer, (grunt), football,prolly, fuck fuck fuck.ya.Chateauguay, shat, fuck, (drool) huh?

by Ray Oftruth April 3, 2007

46👍 49👎

Battle of Chateauguay

Fought October 26th, 1813, between the American forces under the command of Genl. Hampton and an entirely Canadian force under the command of Charles de Salaberry.

De Salaberry divided his force of 1500 Canadian regulars, militia and indians, between 5 lines of defence, constructed out of wood, known as Abatis. Using the river to cover his left flank, and the forest to cover his right, de Salaberry awaited the inivitable American attack. As an added precaution, he also destroyed the bridges leading to the defenses, which would make it impossible for the American Artillery to join in battle later.

The Americans were aware of his position, and made plans to flank it. One brigade, with 1500 soldiers, crossed the Chateauguay river and proceeded through the wilderness without a road or usefull guide. It wound up spending the entire night on the march.

When the fighting commenced, the Americans engaging the first abatis were unable to scatter its defenders (although a skirmish line before the defenses withdrew at the opening of the battle). Meanwhile the other brigade across the river found itself assailed by two companies of Canadian militia, and under fire from more soldiers across the river.

Despite being horribly outnumbered, (out of a force of 1500, only about 320 actually participated in the fighting), the Canadians convinced the Americans that they, in fact, were the ones outnumbered. Using the force's trumpets, the Americans were made to believe more soldiers were advancing unseen through the woods.

This, plus the Canadians' feisty defense, compelled Hampton to withdraw his army. In the process, he also abandoned the bridade which had crossed the river the previous day, forcing them to construct a bridge to escape later.

In a rather embarrassing event, a number of American officers were seen asking for assistance to cross the river, having abandoned their troops in the woods. These officers were ignored.

After the battle, Hampton revealed that his force had taken some 50 casualties. Other estimates probe far higher, but the Canadians themselves offer the best guess at America's loss, documenting that they buried more than 40 American dead. Canadian losses were officially 2 dead, 17 wounded, and a number missing. However, other documents place dead ranging from 4-5, wounded from 17-22, and up to 5 missing.

According to legend, the Canadians who formed the skirmish line before the abatis, camouflaged themselves with cloaks woven from fallen red maple leaves.

kid: "What's the battle of Chateauguay?"
guy: "A disaster for the Americans; a forgotten triumph for Canadians."

by Offenso August 10, 2005

17👍 3👎

Chateauguay Valley Regional High School

CVR means surprisingly a best choice high schoolfrom across the valley. This school is full of wannabe thugs when really they all migrate from farms. Their daily hobbies involve sitting on a lobby bench watching people walk by, they get their rush from drinking, cigarettes and shit weed then post pictures of themselves getting ready for their shit dances that ain't even lit. Lots of different area children go to this school, Huntingdon zulu's, like 2 black people, Drop in kids from HSB, some exchange students, and fake white gir- hoes - who should just stick to milking cows rather then attempting to dab and inhale markers or sniff glue.

Chateauguay Valley Regional High School: Zulu farmer graduate: Where you going to college eh?
Other wannabe thug: Don't need to! I'll work on granddaddys farm.

by Theanontruth March 20, 2016

12👍 4👎