Mexican word meaning plenty of things depending of the situation it's being used: similar to fuck
Trabajar un chingo > to work too much
Está bien chingón > it's fucking good
Chingadera y media > Fucking lot of things
Chingar la borrega > To bother
Me lleva la chingada > (to say that something really bad is happening to me)
Se chingó mi dinero > He stole my money
Vete a la chingada > Go to hell
Te chingaste > you've got screwed
Déjarte de chingaderas > quit doing stupid things
Chinga tu madre > Fuck in your mother
El mas chingón > The very best
Se me chingó el carro > My car broke
Te chingué > I got you
Esas son chingaderas > This is not fair
Está de la chingada > The situation is really bad
Voy en chinga > I'm going really fast
800👍 116👎
it's a mexican verb that can be used whenever you want, it means almost everything...just like fuck.
chingate...fuck you
chingon...fuckin cool or a person that is the best
269👍 65👎
a lot o f meanings ..could be fuck, bother, or when ur surpised
chinga a tu madre..fuck ur mother
no estes chingando..dont bother
ahh chinga?! ..what the fuck?!
128👍 66👎
Chinga or Chingar comes from the nickname of la Malinche, Cortez's whore, Aztec princess/handmaid who was his guide and translator as he swept through Mexico conquering and pillaging. She was his first wife and the mother of his son Cortez II. (His second wife was of Spanish descent, daughter of the then Spanish appointed governor of Puerto Rico, also the mother of a son named Cortez II.)
Chingar: to fuck, to fuck up, to fuck with i.e. to mess with
Possible uses: hija de la chingada or hijo de la chingada, i.e. son of a gun or son of a bitch or chinga's daughter or son
Es una chingada madre something of immense importance or hugely significant or titanic or greatly problematic
chinga su madre similar to motherfucker
chingada used by Chilangos/Mexico City D.F. persons the same way some New Yorkers punctuate their conversation with word fucking
es una chingada madre: example: Es una chingada madre reparar esa camioneta. It's a real test of wills to fix that truck.
84👍 63👎
Chinga or chingar comes from the nickname of la Malinche, Cortez's whore, Aztec princess/handmaid who was his guide and translator as he swept through Mexico conquering and pillaging. She was his first wife and the mother of his first son Cortez II.
Chingar: to fuck, to fuck up , to fuck with, i.e. to mess with
Hija de la chingada or hijo de la chingada, i.e. son of a gun or son of a bitch or chinga's daughter or son
Es una chingada madre something of immense importance or hugely singnificant or titanic or greatly problematic
chinga su madre similar to motherfucker
chingada used by Mexico City D.F. persons the same way some New Yorkers punctuate their conversation with word fucking
es una chingada madre: example: Es una chingada madre reparar esa camioneta. It's a real test of will to fix that fucking truck.
62👍 77👎