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The most rockin' and chill people in a band. The most amazing kissers. And often use their clarinets to beat up the trumpet players after rehearsal!

Omg lisa! Gregg the clarinetist just kissed me!

The clarinetist just beat the crap out of the brass section!!!

by Clarientworldzzz April 26, 2018

10👍 1👎


A cult of band nerds who are willing to fight the trumpets and steal their valve oil

Teacher: Clarinetists! Instruments up!

by cutmylipandstayalive June 10, 2019

2👍 2👎

Bass Clarinetist

The most supreme badass in the band. The bass clarinetist quickly becomes bored with his own parts and begins to learn other parts, instead. By ear. After a few weeks, the bass clarinetist can be heard switching between different parts of the song at will, and just generally being showing up soprano clarinetists.

Why do we even play? The bass clarinetist knows our parts better than we do...

by Antonymy July 14, 2011

44👍 4👎

Bass Clarinetist

They seem all nice and friendly when in reality they want to beat your ass until you're black and blue. don't call it a saxophone or say anything closely related to a saxophone. They also get ignored by the band director constantly and are often missed when they have to play their part with the tubas. as consequence to the ban director, they do not play, they do not speak, they don't even finger. and they will only be recognized when they are not there that day.

"Tubas and bass clarinets play your part."
"The Bass Clarinet(s) isn't here sir."
then he goes onto mark said bass clarinetist absent 30 minutes into the class.

by MissGuts January 5, 2022