1 the act of unorganization of some sort
2 (clusterfuck)an unorganized group of people or things
1 they are just clusterfucking around up there.
2 its just a big clusterfuck on my desk
57๐ 12๐
too many people not enough brains
with the whole office in on the project the clusterfucking began
41๐ 15๐
It was a room full of people fucking, one giant clusterfuck
31๐ 17๐
hanging out with friends, huddling in close proximity
we all started clusterfucking to keep warm
4๐ 22๐
South Sudan Civil War is a clusterfuck beyond belief.
1369๐ 42๐
worse than sticking your dick in an anthill for the rest of your life
person 1: would you rather move to south sudan or have your dick stuck in an anthill for -
sam: *slathers on honey* dude that place is a clusterfuck
620๐ 36๐