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Cock Locked

When a person cannot leave his/her male spouse due to the economy, because it would leave one or both without health insurance or for other financial reasons.

Jane lost her job a few years ago, when the economy crashed and hasn't been able to land another. Her husband Joe has become a cheating, verbally abusive prick, who does whatever he wants without fear of being kicked to the curb because he knows Jane is cock locked until she lands a new job with a decent salary and health benefits. Similar to job locked.

by Melhi July 6, 2013

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Cock Locked

The opposite of "cock blocked". When a man will certainly be getting it on with a woman.

Damn, he pulled out all the moves tonight, pulling out her chair, opening doors and shit; chicks dig that. He's definitely cock locked.

by poopookachoo November 7, 2013

Cock Locked

When a woman (or gay guy) is obsessively in lust with one particular man, to the exclusion of all others, she is said to have all her desire locked onto his cock, or cock locked, and she cock blocks herself by ignoring other men she could have more easily. Being cock locked is similar to being whipped, except it's more specifically about sex and cock than a relationship in general.

Tammy: Candace, there are over a hundred gorgeous, successful, extremely horny men in this place! Why don't you pick one and have yourself some fun for once?
Janice: Don't bother, Tammy. She's so cock locked on that bartender, she doesn't even see anyone else. Look at her! She's fuckin' drooling.

by PBoy 1 August 30, 2008

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Cock locking

Taking advantage of access to another persons iPhone/iPad in private, generally without their knowledge/consent by filling their camera roll with pictures of large/unusual/grotesque cocks without needing to know their passcode.

A successful cock lock requires a second device to perform some strategic obscene google image searches while you access the victims camera from their lock screen (thank you Apple).

Ryan left his phone for like 10minutes and I filled his lowly 16GB storage with a brutal cock locking.

by Gyroll December 10, 2015

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Cock Lock

The opposite of a cock block
when that one person hanging around you and her helps you get laid

Bro #1: dude i'm totally gonna cock lock you, we're gonna get you laid

Bro #2: nice brah

by Commander Zander October 28, 2009

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Cock Lock

When you tie your dick around your bike so nobody can steal it.

I forgot my combination lock at home, I guess Iโ€™ll just have to use the cock lock again.

by hitlersashes December 9, 2019

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[cock locks]

a term used to describe the pubic hair around male genetalia

did u see the ginger cock locks on that kid?

by Jim30265 August 14, 2007

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