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describes someone who has a state of alertness that usually corresponds to consumption of coffee or other caffeinated beverages.

an over-coffeinated individual would be overly alert (almost paranoid), edgy, generally intolerant of others and reacts quickly without proper control, possibly due to too much caffeine intake.

an under-coffeinated individual would be slow to react and understand things, as if they were stoned or sleep deprived (or more likely in need of coffeination to perk them up).

a conversation between the under-coffeinated and the over-coffeinated:

R: Where's the Simpson file?
V: In the database, where'd you think?
R: Oh yeah, right. I'm looking at the database. I don't see it.
V: You can't be serious? It's under S for Simpson, where'd you think?
R: Where's S??
V: Look, moron, it's after R and before T. If you ask me again, I'm going to hit you upside the head with a mallet!!

B, a properly coffeinated boss of R & V, intervenes.
B: OK, nobody's hitting anyone with a mallet. V, here's the file you need (clicks on file on their computer), but go get some cafeinated coffee or tea before someone else is tempted to rip your head off. Get more sleep before coming to work or everyone will want to hit you with a mallet. Now R, you go to the gym and work off your edgy aggression before you rip into everyone in the office, OK?

by Lightning2 August 13, 2008

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Coffee that is drunk solely for the purpose of taking in caffeine. It is usually watered down with milk and sugar, and always of poor quality. It is consumed by caffeine addicts because it's a cheap and readily available fix; pleasure has nothing to do with it. Coffeine may taste like burnt poverty and dreams crushed in cubicles, but it'll give you a buzz just as that posh Fair Trade stuff your aunt's always raving about.

Marla slugged down the rest of the coffeine they were serving in styrofoam cups at the morning conference. It was times like these that she really hated herself.

by bachunderground September 10, 2013


caffeine obtained from coffee

This morning, I brewed some java to get a coffeine rush.

by coffeerocks! August 30, 2007

10👍 3👎


Coffein...highly caffeinated coffee one drinks in highly large quantities and which makes one energetic enough to multitask in various unrelated ways.

If I drink enough coffein, I can mow my lawn, do my homework, juggle these random objects, wash the dog and make more coffein, within the next hour.

by Major Dad November 12, 2017