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Like a curmudgeon, but young in age; a portmanteau of "curmudgeon" and "younger".

The two cur- groups are distinguished out of the human population by the stance that nothing is good enough, but they are distinguished from each other by nuances in this position. While the curmudgeon will assert that nothing is as good as it was, the curmounger will assert that nothing is as good as it should be.

In the curmounger, the habits and characteristics of a curmudgeon will be translated into more age- and generation-appropriate versions. E.g instead of saying "back in my day...", a curmounger will say "if you knew what you were doing..."; instead of sitting at home in front of the TV for long periods of time, a curmounger will spend time on their phone at the cafe of an 'grammable location.

There is a possibility for a brief period of contentment in a curmounger's life as they transition from curmounger to curmudgeon, but generally these individuals grow nostalgic for the past without ever actually enjoying themselves in the present.

"My sister's kid is a total curmounger. There isn't one right in the theme park that he won't roll his eyes at."

"Thanksgiving is a battle of the generations as the curmudgeons quote Fox News headlines and the curmoungers fire back with MSNBC sound bites."

by stomps December 16, 2019