Source Code


A word or sound a Warhammer 40k Ork says when referring to fire power, or actually firing an automatic weapon.

Deez gunz got a lotta dakka, Boss!

by theRx March 24, 2005

651πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


what orks in warhammer 40k say wen they are using/speaking about an automatic weapon.
It is mimicing the sound of a semi-automatic going off.
much like a little kid saying "pee-yowm" to indicate the sound of a pistol.


by Jammers May 23, 2005

365πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


An onomatopΕ“ia which describes the staccato, repetitive sound of automatic gunfire. Used in series, often separated by hyphens. Made popular by the epic war movie "The Battle of Britain".

Flight Officer Archie (says generically, as new pilot is led to aircraft): "Spring chicken to shitehawk, in one easy lesson!"
All flight officers (in low-toned unison): "Dakka-dakka-dakka-dakka-dakka..."

by Splerf December 27, 2013

59πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


Marijuana, cannabis, chronic.

"Got any dakka on ya?"

by Diego September 5, 2003

63πŸ‘ 479πŸ‘Ž

dakka dakka

Geek talk:
From the universe of warhammer 40k
The race known as the ork comunicate in a very basic english words and noises.

Dakka dakka has multiple meanings but a general translation would be: "BANG BANG"
Its suposed to be mimicing the sound their "shootas" ( guns) make when fired.

they often say it while fiering their guns.

While shooting his "shoota"


by Kinakin June 19, 2007

394πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž


Enough dakka:
"You must create a weapon that can hit every point in space and time in the multiverse... with bullets that are each composed of every point in space and time in the multiverse... at point blank range to every point in space and time in the multiverse... And to clarify, the term "multiverse" includes: all alternate realities, parallel realities, perpendicular realities, potential realities, imagined realities, unimagined realities, inconceivable realities, and impossible realities. So you need a gun that shoots at everything, with everything, when next to everything. Now... how can we achieve *dramatic chord* too much dakka?"

Nevah enough Dakka.

by That_dude42 September 1, 2008

360πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž


Dope, marijuana, smoke, gunja, weed, skunk, green.

Man that Dakka is wicked, now I am stoned as fuck.

by Cappy September 20, 2003

86πŸ‘ 482πŸ‘Ž